'Dogs helping people'

Farewell Zep, PAWS Pet Therapy
Foundation Dog
With a great sense of disbelief, and a heavy heart,
we said goodbye to our beloved Zep in April, 2017.
Zep has been with the Stewart family for 12 years.
Zep was the founding dog for PAWS Pet Therapy.
Without Zep, Paws would not have happened.
Never a particularly needy therapy dog, and with a certain amount of aloofness,
Zep had his own special way of carrying out his visits,
and brightened the day for 1000's of patients, families and staff
in aged care facilities and the Southern Highland Cancer Centre.
"He has eyes that look into your soul" was a common remark from people he visited. He certainly was a handsome feller.
Zep was a real character - he loved trips to the beach,
preferring to watch the wave action from his own special beach tent.
He loved going for walks, but as age crept up on him, and his arthritis slowed him down, he was happy with short rides in the car, and short walks around the paddock.
Our special boy suffered a stroke. He was in no pain
and was wrapped in the love of his family
until we said our final goodbyes on ANZAC Day.
We will never forget our Zep - this was the end of an era.
We thank him so much for brightening our lives and making us laugh.
Zep’s many clients have benefited greatly from his pioneering work
with PAWS Pet Therapy, leading the way for this wonderful service
to develop and grow, and help 1000’s more in the future.
“Forever in our hearts”.
Thank you Zep!

April 2017